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The Company shall not be responsible for any act, omission or false representation made by the Direct Seller, which is inconsistent or contrary to the terms or conditions of the direct seller agreement and in case of any false representation / omission / fraudulent act made by the direct seller,the same shall be required immediately to bring within the knowledge of the grievance cell of the company for taking appropriate action against such persons and in case of non-reporting the same to the company, there shall not be any liability being fastened on the company.
1. That I have attained the age of Maturity.
2. That I am making payment of the products as ordered by me with my own consent,freewill and without any inducement or false representation from any direct seller or company itself.
3. That any product purchased by any person without execution of this affidavit shall be deemed without forced against company.
4. That I shall undertake to abide all the terms and condition of the company as stipulated at website i.e https://irom.in

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