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Grievance Cell


F-6, Elixir City Square Mall, Near MK City Sirol Road, Gwalior-474002

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At the first instance the grievance is received by the company by either of the above mentioned means. It is fed into the internal software (In house query system= IHQS). A unique token number is generated related to the same and it is intimated to the customer or the person who has intimated the same to us.
The grievance is then handled by the executive who has taken the call / email / walk in customer/ post received. This executive has a period of 7 working days to solve the problem. It is interesting to note that the software is available to all executives and the nature of problem and details are fed into the system at the firsts instance. The entire problem / query is available to view of any authorized person who has logged into the system. Every time a person logs in he can take on the problem independently for further resolution without having the person to repeat his concern / problem.
In case this executive cannot handle the problem / grievance in this time period the software then escalates automatically to the next level of Grievance redressal committee.
The committee consists of three members and a Chairman who oversees the entire working of the committee.
Grievances are escalated on a 5 day period AUTOMATICALLY BY THE SOFTWARE to each officer (First to Officer 1, then to officer 2 and then to officer 3) and then finally to the Chairman who has 3 days to dispose off the problem.
The committee will meet on a 15 day period. On the 15th and 30th Calendar day of every month. All pending redressals will be disposed off by the committee on these meetings. In case no resolution is arrived at the problem will be escalated to our legal consul who will then work as an arbitrator to resolve the same with 15 days of receiving the escalated issue in consultation with the aggrieved.

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